The learning management system platform of Azvasa has been developed with a vision of empowering the teaching fraternity. It is a completely teacher-centric platform and caters to all the academic requirements.

As educators, we have experienced over the decades that the teachers spend a lot of time preparing for the sessions, designing resources, or collecting resources needed to deliver the content. The thought of the Learning Management System was conceptualized with an aim of facilitating the teachers and reducing their preparation time, which will enable them to dedicate and focus on designing strategies and mentor the students one on one.

The learning management system platform of Azvasa has been developed with a vision of empowering the teaching fraternity. It is a completely teacher-centric platform and caters to all the academic requirements.

The platform has a plethora of content to offer, which not only facilitates the teacher to be prepared for the class but also makes learning interesting for the students. It is a one-stop solution for academic institutions.

The LMS platform, offers an array of academic solutions through its major components of:

Teacher training

Encompasses a spectrum of training modules, with an aim of empowering the teachers and honing their skills and expertise. Each training is guided through a training module followed by an evaluation. On successful completion of the module, the teacher is awarded a certificate of appreciation, which adds on his/her credentials

Study Module

This module is a One stop solution for the teachers. The study module is well-endowed with resources ranging from Mind maps, lesson plans, presentations, videos to workbooks and worksheets. The workbook and worksheets are supplemented with an answer key to succeed in the evaluation and to ensure parity.

Revise Module

The interactive revision modules on the completion of every chapter help the students to revisit the topics and reinforce the important concepts. The interactive modules making learning interesting and fun for the students. The students get a glimpse of the concepts through mind maps, Venn Diagrams, infographics, and many more to add on.

Quiz and assessments

A quick evaluation in the form of quiz & assessment, is employed to evaluate the students understanding. The quiz questions are meticulously prepared catering to different levels of learners.

Reports and analysis

The performance of the students in the quiz is thoroughly scrutinized. The question wise analysis of student performance gives the teacher an insight to the concepts that need reinforcement.

The LMS platform, offers an array of academic solutions through its major components of:

Lesson plans, teaching and evaluation aids prepared by educators.
Detailed microplanning of content delivery
Skill and value integration in lesson plans
Saves a lot of planning time
Reduces the workload of the teachers.
Teachers get time to invest on handholding the students/ planning strategies and closely monitoring the students.
The training modules help enhance the skills and expertise of the teachers.
The teachers are empowered, confident and prepared for delivering the content.
The time invested by the Head Of The Institutions, in scrutinizing the lesson plans is saved.
They get more time for mentoring and handholding the teachers.
Ensures quality & uniform content delivery across sections & branches.
Helps keep a track of syllabus completion
Helps keep a track of student performance.
The interactive revision modules- makes learning fun.
The platform is user friendly.

The Learning Management System from Azvasa, caters to all the four major stakeholders of an institution:

The Teaching Fraternity

The Students

The Heads of Institutions

The Management